Afternoon Programs
Afternoon Enrichment Classes are available to our Pre-K classes every day. They extend your child’s day until 2 PM. Each student will need to bring a lunch. Each class rotates through the different subjects each day. Enrichment classes are available for drop-in to our PK1 and PK2 students for $20 or at a discounted monthly rate for continuous use.
Afternoon Class Rotation:
Children will explore the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math – all in one class!
This class will become familiar with various cultures and traditions from around the world. This is a great learning opportunity for our
diverse population.
Read It Once Again!
Reading is vital to every other subject in school. “Read It Once Again!” offers a research based, language rich curriculum based on popular children’s literature. A love of reading and a desire to read are fostered through exposure to good books incorporated with fun activities such as music, art, book writing, cooking, creative dramatics and games.
Think Tank
Thinking skills are developed as the students explore the world of mathematics through numbers, measurement, patterning, sorting and graphing while using lots of hands-on manipulatives.
Fun Fridays
Children will rotate through a wide variety of activities including Fruits of the Spirit, Cooking, Movement, Texas History and Tunes & Tales.
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch is available Monday through Friday and extends the student’s day until 2:00 PM. Students need to bring their own lunch. Sleep mat and blanket will be provided and laundered weekly. Lunch Bunch allows your child to form new friendships in a non-structured play environment. It is a flexible program and can be used on a drop-in basis for $15 per use. It is also offered at a discounted rate to those who use it on a continuous basis throughout the year. It is available to our Cherub students.